Are non-Orthodox vis­i­tors welcome?

Category: Visiting

Yes, absolutely. We are a com­mu­nity made up of both cradle-born Ortho­dox Chris­tians and those who have con­verted to the faith. We are very com­fort­able with new­com­ers, inquir­ers, and vis­i­tors. Any­one who wishes to dis­cover ancient Cop­tic Ortho­dox Chris­tian­ity is welcome. If you have ques­tions, the parish priests will be happy to answer them. So don’t be afraid to ask ques­tions about what we do and why. When you enter a church, some­one will greet you and direct you to a place to sit. We have books of our Divine Liturgy for anyone to use. In addi­tion, we have a large slideshow pre­sen­ta­tion that updates con­tin­u­ously dur­ing the service with the prayers for easy following. You may fol­low the ser­vice text, or, if you pre­fer, sim­ply close your eyes and enter into the Church’s beau­ti­ful wor­ship of God. Fol­low­ing the Sun­day Divine Liturgy, you are invited to join us for a “cof­fee hour” which is a good time to get to know our parish mem­bers and meet our priests.